Turkey’s expansion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector for 2015have been estimated by some recent researches. In following years, thanks to technologies such as Big Data, Cloud, Mobility and Social Work, there is being expected a transformation of the institutions in Turkey. This transformation in Turkey has pointed out that ICT market is expected to exceed $ 27 billion in 2015. Turkey that ceases just being a country consuming technology, works with all his strength for the conversion to an economy that produces and exports of technology.

As being estimated growth rates of software and services in 2015, some following determinations have been made. For instance; at a technology event, IDC Country Manager of Turkey, Nevin Çizmecioğulları has recently explained “Corporate spending in 2015 which is going to be accelerated after the general elections will pass in front of the consumer spending. Software and services are supposed to be the highest performing technology categories within the transformation projects that have growth rates of 6.4% and 7.1% at the second half of 2015.”

As mobility giving the signal that will continue to be the main investment areas of Turkey’s CIOs, workplace productivity and mobile workforce efficiency that are intended to increase existing business applications will improve the operation of the mobilization.

Mobility that is going to have more space in the life of the institutions and the users at 2015, will lead to increase using the number of corporate mobiles for remote access to corporate data and applications by workers. Furthermore, this rise keeps changing the IT environment and lead companies, administrative, official mobile policies to make adjustments in terms of security and privacy practices. As awareness is being increased in the market for device security and mobile device management applications, mobile applications will be adopted more quickly. In certain sectors, there are expected large-scale investments in the areas of the mobile identity, access management and mobile device management that areas part of comprehensive mobile strategy implementations. Today, IT industry stands out as one of the driving forces of economic development in developed markets of Turkey and sector has been accounted for 30 % percentage of total employment. Consumption volume of over $ 2 trillion in a year triggers economic development.

Microsoft Turkey Deputy Director General in charge of Corporate Customers, Murat Yılmaz has told the goals of the sector and the added value they create in one of the recent events: “Turkey is in a period of witnessing one to one the evolution of Information and Communication Technology. On the one hand while the hardware sector replacing the shell; on the other hand, the software industry is rapidly developing. The way of evaluating the risks and then converting them into opportunities in order to capture benefits is mostly possible via catching up the cloud computing system today.” It is obviously seen that after the mobile phone technology in the world, the most rapid growth occurred in the software economy including in Turkey. Most of the developed companies in Turkey give weight to the context of mobile business models and then the cloud, as giving direction to the sector with new products and solutions. At this point, four main trends that are described as mobility, social networks, big data and cloud computing plays an important role. Among these trends, cloud computing stands out in particular with its informatics interaction force. Indeed, as observing the sector, the development of the software industry of 90% percentage of new technologies is in the area of cloud applications. Institutions met with the cloud computing benefit from the flexible, reliable, special needs based solutions.

Furthermore, some predictions have being made by the market research companies such as IDC for Information and Communication Technology Market (ITC) in Turkey at 2015. For instance, high amount of investments will take place in the data center areas by service providers. First examples of the sectors using third platform will draw attention remarkably and lead to similar investments. In terms of mobility devices in the consumer segment, there is going to occur a closer saturation; on the other hand, the companies will turn to the higher levels of mobility strategies. Also telecom companies will continue to be the leading providers launched in smart city projects with new projects. At the end of 2015 and throughout 2016; critical business, hyper scale servers will be playing the role of a game changer at the server market of Turkey. Software Defined Network (SDN) market will grow with the investments of the data center and mobile network. Additionally, the multinational providers will guide 70% percentages of the growth in public cloud spending in Turkey. Also, with growing awareness in the public and private sectors will increase the demand for next-generation threat protection solutions.

As a conclusion, now in Turkey the Information and Communication Technology studies are in full career to transform it from the country that consumes technology to an economy producing and exporting technology with all its strength.